De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Wednesday 20th May


LO: Can I write a diary entry including the key features?

Starter- Write a checklist of features to include in your diary entry. You can use the PowerPoint from Monday to help you.

Today you are going to write a diary entry for 2 days in the life of a Gladiator.

Remember, you are the Gladiator writing the diary so it must be written in first person (I). Use your storyboard plan from yesterday!!

Questions to consider when writing your diary: How do you feel? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? Can you use descriptive language/adjectives/adverbs? 


LO: Can I convert more complex units of time?

Today, you are going to be finding out how many days, weeks, months and years are in a decade, century and millennium.

Complete this conversion chart.

You are given the number of days, weeks and months in 1 year. You can then use these numbers to work out decades, centuries and millenniums multiplying the values.

e.g. There are 12 months in 1 year. To find out how many months in 1 decade you must multiply 12X10=120.

 Challenge: What's the same and what's different? Can you write down your ideas.



This term you are going to be focusing on coding, using scratch.

Scratch can be found by clicking this link.

Today you are going to create a story. Click on the 'tutorials' lightbulb, scroll down and select 'create a story.' Watch the video and then have a go at making your own!!