De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Thursday 2nd July


Choose from these activities:

BBC iPlayer - Andys Wild Workouts

Cosmic Kids Yoga (be aware that whilst this is a link to their website, the videos are hosted on Youtube, which may possibly contain ads)

'The Body Coach' Joe Wicks is live streaming PE lessons at 9am every day. You can do these at home. (again, be aware that these videos are hosted on Youtube)

Jumpstart Johnny has a free section with some workouts to do


DT -(Link to Science)

Today, I would like to design a Viking Longship which you will make and test in water next week.

Activity 1- Which materials would be best for floating on water? Look around your house and find appropriate materials. You may want to test the materials in water!

Activity 2- Draw a picture of your design and label what materials you will use. 

You can spend the next week collecting recyclable materials which will be suitable for making your boat next Thursday.



LO: Can I share my wishes, hopes and dreams?

Activity 1- Divide a piece of paper into 4 and draw or write four wishes, hopes or dreams for the future.

Activity 2- share what you are looking forward to about growing up.