Monday 1st June
Our topic this term is Victorious Vikings! To introduce you to this topic I would like you to read this text and complete the comprehension questions.
Choose which level you would like to complete:
Mild- pages 1-3
Hot- pages 5-7
Spicy- Pages 9-12.
LO: Can I define and find factors of a number?
First, read the information and watch the video on finding factors of a number.
Then, click here to choose mild, hot or spicy questions to create factor rainbows.
Click here to see an example of a factor rainbow.
Our Science topic this term is Materials. Today, you are going to be investigating thermal conductivity by making a thermal powered oven.
Click here to follow the instructions to complete the investigation. (You may need to wait for a warm, sunny day for this lesson!)
After the investigation, can you write up your findings? Did the experiment work? Why/why not? How long did it take? Did you need to adapt/change anything? If you used different materials would the experiment work? Why?
If you are unable to do this task- Can you write a prediction about what you think would happen and why?