De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017



The curriculum we offer incorporates the National Curriculum 2014. The core subjects of
the National Curriculum are English, Science, Mathematics, Computing and Religious
Education in a Catholic school. The foundation subjects are history, geography, art and
design, design and technology, languages, music and physical education. In addition to these, personal, social and health education (PSHE) as well as Relationship and Health Education (RHE) are also taught.
The curriculum is usually taught using a thematic or topic-based approach. This enables
the children to study subjects in context in a structured and cohesive way. There is also
discrete subject teaching, where necessary, to cover the requirements of the National
Curriculum 2014.
At St Pancras Catholic Primary School the curriculum is carefully planned and differentiated
to ensure that every child can be stretched and supported whatever their ability. We have
high expectations and children are encouraged to develop their skills both as independent
and collaborative learners.


Phonics is taught using the 'Bug Club Phonics scheme'. 

Bug Club Phonics is a synthetic phonics program that provides everything needed to help children succeed in early reading.

It combines a comprehensive teaching program and fully decodable print books with an online reading world which includes eBooks, interactive assessments and games.


Reading skills are introduced in the Early Years using a variety of stimulating texts which are matched to the phonics reading scheme. Graded books are taken home on a regular
basis and reading record books provide communication on progress between home and
school. Free choice books are also available either from the classroom or from the school
library. Guided reading takes place during planned sessions, enabling the teacher to monitor
each child’s progress on a regular basis. However, reading naturally occurs throughout the
whole school day and is fundamental to all areas of curriculum. We aim to integrate reading
skills into all subjects. A structured system is in place for pupils who need long or short term
support. Our ultimate aim is always to encourage independent reading, enjoyment and
personal choice.

At St Pancras School we constantly strive to provide all our children with a varied, rich and
stimulating experience of language. We place great emphasis on listening skills and confident self-expression, both verbally and in writing. Our curriculum encompasses both fiction and non-fiction texts, poetry and drama. The children are taught the vital skills of planning, editing and constructive criticism. They learn the appropriate writing style for the purpose and can discuss the qualities of different genres. Grammar, punctuation, spelling and presentation are all taught in a structured and varied way. The curriculum fully supports the development of literacy as outlined in the English Programmes of study.

Mathematics provides a way of viewing and making sense of the world. Throughout the Early
Years, mathematics focuses on the development of skills and concepts, primarily through the study of patterns and relationships. The children will be encouraged to use and apply their knowledge to a number of situations. By adopting an investigative approach to mathematics pupils will be encouraged to become creative thinkers examining a variety of strategies to find a solution to a problem. The Mathematics National Curriculum has been fully implemented in Key Stages 1 and 2. Children will be encouraged to communicate their ideas through discussion and on paper. At St Pancras we wish to develop positive attitudes towards mathematics and a confidence and enthusiasm to engage in mathematical enquiry. The school has a wide range of mathematical apparatus for practical activities, including physical resources and computers. There is a strong emphasis on the development of mental mathematics, which includes times tables, and skills in estimation. The use of maths games ensure that this can be done in an enjoyable and non-threatening way.

Science enables the acquisition of skills, concepts and attitudes that allow children the
opportunity to make discoveries about the world around them. This is encouraged through
observation, prediction and practical investigations based on first hand experiences. The
children will be encouraged to work collaboratively and draw conclusions from their work.
The school also makes good use of the school grounds and the environmental area. The
children have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of their own environment which
includes our wild area and pond.

The place of Religious Education at St Pancras Catholic Primary School

Religious Education lies at the heart of our school. It provides the context in which the
school operates and is lived out in all activities and interactions. We believe that Religious
Education is about extending knowledge and understanding of faith beliefs and traditions in
order that a deepening relationship with God may grow.

Every class have dedicated time each week for RE. Lessons are lively and engaging and aim to provide children with tools and understanding to be caring and loving members of society.  

The distinctive nature of our Catholic School
We aim to provide a community where the values of the Gospel are made explicit and are
witnessed to by all members within it. We have a shared Vision and lived faith as expressed
in our Mission Statement, and this is manifest through staff relationships, pupil behaviour,
expectations and our dealings with the parents, carers and the wider community. We have
an emphasis on personal achievements in order to help support the realization of potential
of all. Through the content and process of our Religious Education teaching, and supported
by all other activities in the school, we seek to integrate all life’s experience and all learning
into an ever deepening appreciation of Faith in Jesus Christ.

Teaching and Learning: The teaching of religious education in a Catholic primary school is
10% of the taught curriculum time (2 hours per week). It is currently organized following the
themed approach in the “Come and See” program as a basis. Each class teacher plans using
the “Come and See” materials along with the level descriptors for the topic. Teachers are
expected to use creative approaches to learning in order to ensure the diverse needs of their class cohort are met. Computing should be used effectively as a research tool and embedded in the teaching and learning of religious education.

At St Pancras we enjoy history. We encourage the children to identify with people from the
past. We stimulate enquiring minds by investigating the significance of evidence which informs us of the past and affects our understanding of the present. Children are given opportunities to participate in role-play situations to discover what life must have been like. The handling of artefacts and the evaluation of primary and secondary sources of evidence are actively encouraged in topic work. Visits are also arranged to museums and places of interest to support the curriculum. As a school we work in partnership with Lewes Priory Trust to enhance knowledge and understanding of local history.

At St Pancras we are aware of the vital significance of geography in our daily lives. To locate
ourselves in our surroundings we spend time drawing and reading maps. We also investigate
our locality in detail to discover the vital interaction between people and their environment.
We also explore the wider world with curiosity and enthusiasm. As a school, we are actively
involved in the Local Heritage Funded environmental projects, such as the Railway Land Live Project.

Personal, Social and Health Education
The process of personal and social development focuses on personal growth. At St Pancras
we provide opportunities for children to develop their self-concept, self-confidence and self-esteem. Our aim is to help young people understand and value themselves as individuals and as responsible and caring members of society.

Health Education is taught through topics. Visitors from the wider community, such as:
Ambulance staff, First Aiders, dentists, nurses, nutritionists etc. assist us in the delivery of the


Relationship and Health Education (RHE)

The Governing Body believes that relationship and health education is an essential part of an holistic education since its focus is the individual, uniquely created by God in His own image,
and their role in creation and family life. Through relationship and health education children
come to understand more about themselves, their families and the beauty of creation.

Relationship and Health Education is taught at St Pancras using a programme known as ' Life to the full'. Life to the Full has a spiral approach to learning, the programme includes teaching about personal health, physical and emotional well-being, strong emotions, private parts of the body, personal relationships, family structures, trusted adults, growing bodies, puberty, periods, life cycles, the dangers of social media, where babies come from, an understanding of the Common Good and living in the wider world.

The entire teaching is underpinned with a Christian faith understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God – created, chosen and loved by God. The programme is fully inclusive of all pupils and their families.

Relationship and health education is taught progressively throughout the school as part of the overall RHE & RE co-coordinated framework. With age appropriate content for each year group.  It is delivered in mixed gender groups. The Headteacher is involved in its planning and delivery.
Aspects of relationship and health education will also be covered as part of the statutory element of the Science National Curriculum. Parents and carers are given further information and the opportunity to review resources before the programme is delivered.


Further Information can be found on the RHE page on  this website.  


Spanish is taught in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The aim of Primary Languages at St Pancras is to introduce the children to languages and cultures in a fun and enjoyable way. There is a strong emphasis on playing games and singing songs and the children have access to a wide variety of resources to support their language learning. 

Design and Technology
The Design and Technology National Curriculum is addressed by providing projects, usually
connected with other areas of the curriculum, where children can investigate needs, design,
plan and construct models and evaluate their work. Alongside this children are taught
technology skills such as using materials and tools techniques which are developed
progressively throughout the seven years. Together these elements combine to give children
skills in solving problems in a technological environment.


There is Wi-Fi throughout the school. All classes have access to laptops for the children to use at any given time. There are interactive whiteboards installed in all classes in Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Every class has a visualiser. Every computer in the school is networked, with each child having their own private space on the network to save their work in. The School network is linked to the Local Authority’s Intranet and is filtered to ensure safe internet use. 
We have a large range of software that supports computing skills and learning across the curriculum. At St Pancras we believe that our pupils should be given access to high quality teaching in computing as soon as possible so that they may become proficient in computing and use it effectively at home, at school and ultimately in the workplace.


Art and Design
Art and design, is taught by an artist in residence. Art lessons take place in the school art
studio. Each term the whole school explores one artist or crafts person using a range of
mixed medium. Planning is age appropriate; we follow the National Curriculum. Children have opportunities to record their observations in a range of ways from direct experience and to work from memory and imagination. They explore a wide range of tools, techniques and materials. Children will also develop an understanding of the history of art, craft and design and will learn how to relate what they have learnt to their own work. Every child has a school sketchbook to record the design process. 


Music, both instrumental and vocal, plays a prominent part in the school. We have a music
specialist teacher and each class enjoys weekly music lessons. There are weekly singing times for all children. The school has a school choir concert. Our school choir also performs within the community, particularly during the festive season. Performances within the school are encouraged and there are opportunities for all children from year two onwards to have tuition in singing, cello and violin.

Drama is appreciated at St Pancras as a creative art form, an effective way of developing
speaking and listening skills and a valuable learning aid across the curriculum. Every child is
given the opportunity to make, perform and respond to drama each term. The range of drama activities provided include role-play, classroom improvisation, exploration of historical
facts/artefacts through drama, play script reading, whole class activities, performances of
devised and scripted material as well as opportunities to watch and respond to visiting theatre companies.

Sport and P.E
The provision of P.E within the school is designed to support, contribute to and
complement the aims of the school, by providing, where possible, equality of access for all
students to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Physical Education aims to provide
an enjoyable, challenging and satisfying programme with opportunities for every student to
develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. We have welcomed the support of
specialist coaches in gymnastics, dance, football and swimming. Staff have also actively
participated in a practical gymnastic Inset workshop.
We have a large airy hall for physical education and a playground for outdoor work. The
school also has access to a large field area off site. A running track is marked out on it by the
Parks and Recreation Department who roll and cut the ground regularly. An annual school
sports day is held on the field to which parents and carers are invited in the summer term.
The school has designated infant and junior play areas and a separate adventure play
apparatus play area. In addition to this we have quiet shaded areas with seating for children
to enjoy. The following individual and team sports are offered within the Physical Education
curriculum for boys and girls: gymnastics, movement and dance, football, swimming,
athletics, hockey, netball, rounders, basketball and cricket.

Extra-curricular activities
Extra-curricular activities are offered in a wide variety of sports for children from Years 1 - 6.
We aim to cater not only for the students interested in playing competitive sport but also for
those who wish to participate on a recreational basis.

Swimming is taught to children as part of the school curriculum in years 3-6 throughout the
year. Our aim is that no child should leave the school without being confident in the water.
Swimming is taught at the Lewes Leisure Centre pool.