De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


      About our Governing Body        St Pancras is a voluntary aided school.

Email: Chair of Governors:

Clerk to the Governing Body:

There are 14 governor posts:

  • 8 Foundation Governors, appointed by the Diocese
  • 2 Parent Governors, elected by the parents and carers
  • 1 Staff Governor, elected by the school staff
  • 1 Authority Governor, representing the local education authority
  • 1 Co-opted Governor, optional post by invitation of governors
  • The Headteacher

Governor Vacancies  

We have two vacancies for Foundation Governors at the moment. If you are a practising Catholic please consider joining us.

Click to find out more about being a Foundation Governor

We also have a vacancy for one Parent Governor. If you are interested please speak to one of our Governors, or email the Clerk (see above).


 Click to download:   Governor Code of Conduct 2023-24   Governor Allowances 2023-24

The Governing Body structure and meeting schedule aims to maximise engagement, information sharing and decision making. Business is arranged so as to make key decisions at the appropriate time within the school year. There are 6 Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings each year (1 per term, clerked by Kath Dawson) and a single committee (the Pay and Performance committee, responsible for agreeing teacher pay, chaired by Angela Wilding). All decisions (except those specifically otherwise delegated) are made by the Full Governing Body. Activities and projects are delegated to individuals and working parties as required.

There are currently two joint Chairs, Barbara Scalvini and Angela Wilding. They and the other governors have Link Governor responsibilities in one or more areas, and report on them to FGB meetings.

 A ‘Strategy Group’, consisting of the Chair/s of Governors and the Headteacher, meets toward the start of each term to plan the activities of the Governing Body and to set the agenda for the Full Governing Body meeting later in that term.

The school’s main income comes from East Sussex County Council. Governors are often referred to as “critical friends” of the school, participating in budget setting, and monitoring progress, standards and finance. They ratify the school policies, many of which are downloadable from this website. All others are available upon request from the school office.


Our Governors’ Fund

In a voluntary aided school such as ours, the Governing Body has full responsibility for external decoration and also has to make a contribution, a minimum of 10%, to capital costs. This is because the Diocese owns the school and the land around. In order to pay for this, the Governors ask each family which can afford it to make a minimum contribution of £40 p.a. to the Governors’ Fund. We ask parents/carers who are able to do so, to “gift aid” their donation, so that their income tax on it can be reclaimed by the Governors, making an additional 28p for the school for every pound given.

In addition to these financial responsibilities, the Governors’ Fund is used to support training for Governors and staff, where either it is non-standard or cannot be covered by the budget, as well as to cover incidental expenses on behalf of the school for which there is no other funding source.

  Vivere Oportet Discere – To Learn is to Live