Calculation policy
Please find videos of our calculation policy below.
Dear parents and carers,
We wanted to share our calculation strategies that the children use on a daily basis here at St Pancras Primary School. Some of our very own mathematical experts have been able to film a walk-through guide to calculation in UKS2.
If your child is in Y6, it is vital that they practise these methods at every opportunity with SATs just around the corner. If your child is in Y5, they will be using most of these methods already, and it will be very important for them to master them for their time in UKS2.
A big thank you to the children involved in filming these and, as always, please ask your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.
Mr Cappuccini - Year 5/6 teacher, Maths Lead and Computing Lead
Multiplying 3 digits by one digit