De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Friday 15th May


LO: Can I write a debate?

Today I would like you to write a debate speech titled "Were Romans the greatest inventors?" Choose if you are for or against this topic. Use your plan from yesterday to support your argument. 

You can use this template to complete the writing task.

Add a rhetorical question: This is a question that you ask the audience but you don't expect an answer. You just want to get them thinking. You will answer this questions yourself in your writing to further support your argument. 

Click here to view a debate word bank. Make sure you use these words in your writing. 



LO: Can I use a protractor/angle measurer to draw angles greater than 180°?

Click here to view the questions.

Then test your knowledge on angles with these maths mastery challenge questions!


LO: Can I establish a chronological understanding of the Roman Invasion of Britain?

First read this PowerPoint. 

Then, choose which which worksheet you would like to have a go at:




Finally read through this timeline of events. 

Challenge yourself by cutting up the events, muddling them up, and then see if you can re-order them independently!