De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Wednesday 13th May


LO: To plan a debate.

Today you are going to be having a debate using the ideas you have researched the past 2 days. 

Click here to debate like an expert! You can edit the table to make it more fitting for the ideas that you have researched before you begin your debate with somebody at home.

After the debate, write a list of the for and against sides of the argument that were said. You will use this to support your writing tomorrow. 



LO: Can I use a protractor/angle measurer to draw angles less than 180°?

Click here to view today's maths questions. 

You can also play this game. You will also need these cards to play. 

If you don't have a protractor at home, use this template (This won't be accurate to actual size but you can still practice).

Challenge- Click here!



This term you are going to be focusing on coding, using scratch.

Scratch can be found by clicking this link.

Today you are going to make a chase game. Click on the 'tutorials' lightbulb, scroll down and select 'make a chase game.' Watch the video and then have a go at making your own!!