Wednesday 24th June
Starter- discuss the features of an advert.
Today, you are going to plan to make your own advert for a Viking summer holiday.
Recap the PowerPoint from yesterday. Then, complete the success criteria below and give examples of what you need to include in your advert.
E.g. Feature- Use alliteration. E.g- Come and experience the Victorious Vikings.
Make sure you include heading, price, and slogan in your features.
LO: Can I solve subtraction missing number problems?
Being safe online is important, especially nowadays when we use the internet so much.
Click here to play games which help you think about safe behaviour online.
There are 4 games: Kind Kingdom, Reality River, Mindful Mountain and Tower of Treasure. Make sure you scroll right to find the other games.
These games cover topics such as reporting scams, being kind online and judging if something is real or fake.