De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Tuesday 9th February


We are using the language of full and empty, half full, nearly full and nearly empty. You can use different materials such as water, sand or rice to explore capacity. We will use different sized and different shaped containers to investigate capacity.  

White Rose: Session 2

Activities: Create a café or picnic area providing a variety of jugs and beakers. Role-play taking drinks orders and bring out the drinks. Play alongside your child to model the language of nearly full, half full, nearly empty and enjoy your delicious drinks!


Provide a selection of containers of different shapes and sizes and ask your child to investigate which holds the

most. They may do this by pouring directly from one container to another. They could also use a small cup to fill each container, counting how many small cups the containers hold.


Look at the page where Elena has fallen asleep under la luna grande.

What is Elena dreaming of?

Activity: Can you create a painting or a collage of this page? Or you can create a picture of Elena’s dream. In a dream bubble write about her dream. 


Teach the digraph ‘ow’ using Bug Club.

Read: now, down, owl, cow, how, bow, row, town and towel. Write ‘ow’. Write the words: how and town.    


Understanding the world     

Today we are asking ‘why’ questions.

Your questions could be linked to the reason things change, the seasons or the weather.

For example:

Why does it rain?

Why is it cold in the winter?

Why do I sometimes see the moon during the day?

Think of some questions and then find the answers with a grown up.

Expressive Arts and Design

Make a nature wind chime. What happens to your wind chime on a windy day? What happens when it is a calm day?

What materials make the best sound?

Wind chime instructions