De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Wednesday 20th January

Cooking- Link to English

 It's time to make Salsa! 

If you are joining in with cooking, I would love to see some pictures of your cooking experience to share on the our home learning gallery! 

Friday in English, you will be writing your own salsa recipe.



Starter: Phonics flashcards- Click here to play flashcards speed trial on Phonics Play

Main: Teach ‘u-e’ and compare to ‘oo’ sound. In the video can you identify the 'u-e' words which make the 'oo' sound? 

Blend to read: June, prune, flute

Segment to spell: rude, rule, brute

Can you write some sentences using these words?



Year 1 video input




Year 2 video input






Click here to access today's RE lesson.

Read the Scripture about the story of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector— Luke 19: 1-10

After you have read the scripture, retell the story in your own words on the storyboard pages
provided—look at the pictures to remind yourself of the story. You can either say the story aloud or
write your story in the spaces provided.

This is the work I will be marking today.