De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Friday 8th January 2021

Good morning everyone.  Thank you for your wonderful Homework!  Keep it up!  Again, please try and use your time wisely by keeping to the structure of a normal school day as much as possible.  Please don't hesitate to email me on if you have any questions.  Stay safe, healthy and happy.  Thank you.  Mr Cappuccini

Maths - Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000 

Have a look at this morning's video!

By the way - from Monday, to ensure consistency across the school, there will be a Year 5 tutorial video with worksheet, and a Year 6 tutorial video with worksheet for Swallows Class.  There will still be a generic Cappuccini Challenge every day.  Have a relaxing weekend, and I shall see you again on Monday!  Mr Cappuccini



Cappuccini Challenge - 

English - 

For today's task, I'd like you to write a diary entry of 3 or 4 paragraphs, from the perspective of the 9-Year-Old Nelson Mandela, about your first day with Uncle Jongi.  He has a motor car (which must have been thrilling at the time!) and a big house.  We assume Nelson has never stepped foot in a big house or sat in a motor car before, so we should think about how we can communicate this excitement and wonder in the diary entry.  We can use hyperbole for this -  

Please open/print the Target sheet and the Year 5/6 spelling sheet so we can use them in our work today and for subsequent lessons.

eg  Dear diary,

Today was a very special day.  I simply cannot wait to tell you all about it!  Well, where do I start?  As I sit here on this beautiful and luxurious four-poster bed, I can still feel the excitement of the day's events flowing through my veins.  I am currently looking around this magisterial room - my room, and I keep having to pinch myself to be convinced that this is all still real.  Please, let me explain... 

Topic - PSHE New Beginnings.

 Click below for your task:

Task -   During all this adversity, we can reflect on the past year, and think somewhat positively about this coming year.