De Montfort Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SR

01273 473 017


Monday 25th January 



Look, say, cover and write your spellings daily. 





The spelling groups will be the same as your child had last term. If you are unsure please don't hesitate to email me-



Today we are looking at a new story- “Cuckoo.” Look at the cover. What is a cuckoo? Why does this cuckoo look different? Can you predict who the story might be about? What could happen?

Watch the beginning of the story on below.


What is Cuckoo like at the start of the story? What does Cuckoo look like and sound like at the start of the story? How does Cuckoo behave? How is Cuckoo described?

Activity: Create a picture of Cuckoo (drawing or using coloured paper) then write a character description of Cuckoo. Remember to write about Cuckoos appearance and behaviours.

Writing template

Phonic sound mat

Year 1 common exception words

Year 2 common exception words



Starter: Phase 3-5 Phonics flashcards- Click here to play flashcards speed trial on Phonics Play.

Teach /zh/ written as ‘s.’ Click here to view the lesson on Bug club. (Sign in using your Bug Club login details).

Work your way through the tabs- learn the sound > reading > spelling > writing. 



Year 1 input




Year 2 input 





This is the work I will be marking today.

Starter: Can you name the 7 continents and 5 oceans?

Main: Look at a world map- Can you identify the equator? What is the climate like for countries that live near the equator?

Look at where Mexico is in relation to the equator. Look at the satellite view of Mexico- What can we see? Sand, ocean, tropical rainforest, human features. A long time ago most of this was covered in tropical rainforest but now the areas are much smaller. Why do you think they are smaller now? (discuss more human features being built).

Activity: Today you will be creating Mexico using tissue paper (or coloured paper/pencils). Use the satellite image to help you. Use green colours for rainforest areas, yellow for sand/desert and grey for human features. Then label the surrounding countries and oceans.

Outline of Mexico


Look at the example below: